There are 2 main types of smoke detectors
- Photoelectronic and
Photoelectronic uses
a principal of a light transmitter and
a receiver, the 2 are usually divided
by a solid wall and inside a chamber.
When SMOKE enters
the chamber it reflects the light around
the corner to the awaiting receiver.
The receiver analyses the light/signal
and activates an alarm
Ionisation uses the
principal of detecting smoke “Particles”
with the help of an harmless amount
of Radioactive content in a chamber.
Unfortunately dust PARTICLES can also
build up in some of the cheaper types
of these detectors, making them
more sensitive. We come across a lot
of people who remove the batteries from
these types of detectors as they continually
false alarm when the burn toast "In
the Next Room!" There are some
quality types of the ionisation smoke
detectors on the market but we prefer
to use a quality Photoelectronic type
detector due to its proven track reliability. 