This is a Highend Security product.
The unit is fully Automatic and operates
[on & off] from the Alarm System.
The idea behind this High End type of
technology is to inhibit the attackers
ability to remove or vandalise stock
on the premises long enough for action
to be taken from the monitoring centre
to have the attacker arrested or detained.
The units fluid is made up of a fully
tested unique formulation based on a
glycol solution. Glycol is a non toxic
substance classified as a food stuff
found in toothpaste, wines and soft
drinks. This once vaporised, creates
a dense fog which reduces visibility
to less than 30cm [practically nil visibility].
Under normal usage the fluid is harmless
to anything normally found in Commercial
or Industrial Premises. There
are a number of different units, the
smallest is capable of filling a 205m3
area in 30 seconds [small to medium
sized shop or office – jewellers,
safe rooms, retails outlets etc] right
up to the biggest unit which can do
400m3 in 30 seconds [warehouses and
very large electronic shops].
This product has a very indepth installation
procedure to ensure it has its own tamper
protection, backup battery etc to maintain
the units self integrity. The unit is
added in addition to your existing or
new security system and starting price
is around $3550. + GST + installation.
Irrespective of any type of disabling
techniques or how quick a “Ram
Raid” may be - Its hard to steal
what you cant see ! |